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GameGrub can increase sales and improve the fan experience at school sporting events, ballgames, plays, and events.

Students, parents, and fans can order on their phone and receive an in-app message when their food is ready. You can let them pick up their food at a pickup station, or you can give a few students a part-time job as food runners for in-seat delivery. They'll appreciate the tips, and the fans will appreciate being able to stay in their seats!

You can run a promotion on food, gear, or swag and announce it with a push notification to everyone in the stadium, arena, or theater who has the app on their phone. And with in-app reporting and analytics, you can track your results and make adjustments as you go.

GameGrub is great for school fundraising, as you can customize the convenience fee to make extra money off of each transaction, increasing revenue and creating a new income stream.

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