Mobile Ordering

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Nobody goes out with the intention of standing in line all night. Whether at the ballgame, the movie theater, the golf course, the casino, or a concert, patrons want to be able to focus on the attraction that motivated them to leave the house in the first place!

And everyone has a smartphone these days. So ordering food, drinks, concessions, souvenirs, and merchandise from our phones is a no-brainer. In fact, at events where mobile ordering has been used, sales have been higher.

And if you're worried about communicating with your customers in case something comes up, fear not! With in-app messaging, you can rest assured your customers will get a push notification when you send them a message, and vice versa.

You can drive sales even more with strategic marketing and promotions! Not only can you customize your automated upselling parameters for each item, but you can also announce your discounts and coupons with push notifications.

And you can always track the success of your specials and promotions to refine and optimize that extra revenue. On top of that, customers will frequently reward your food runners for their service in the form of a nice tip! So you can grow your business and create new jobs at the same time. It's a win-win! Sign up for a Free 30 Day Trial today.

In-App Messaging

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One of the concerns we hear most frequently is "what if I want to change my order?" Or, from vendors, it's "what if I run out of an item and have to let the customer know?"

With in-app messaging, there's no need to worry about it! You can send a message to your customers, and they'll receive a push notification letting them know they've gotten a message. And they can do the same for you!

But you can also use the In-App Messaging for marketing and promotion! Announce to everyone at the game or show that you're offering a 10% discounts to orders over $20, or a free cookie with every hamburger sold. Everyone in the building with the app will get a push notification letting them know about it.

And at the end of the night, you can run a report and compare it to other specials to see which ones work the best. Sign up for a Free 30 Day Trial today.

Add On Sales & Promotions

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Automated upselling is a powerful thing. As a business owner in this industry, you're undoubtedly aware that drinks have some of the highest profit margins of any products out there. It's not rocket science; we've all heard "would you like a drink with that" about a million times!

Well, guess what? If you tell the GameGrub vendor app to always upsell with drinks, it won't forget! Or you can set the app to always ask customers ordering a hamburger whether they'd like to add cheese.

But it doesn't stop with upselling. You can broadcast specials and promotions via push notification to everyone in the building and watch your sales grow! And if you want to make sure your sales are in fact growing, you can run a report at any time. Try the app free for 30 days!

Reports & Analytics

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It's easy to get swept away with the hustle and bustle of an event! Orders are coming in, the kitchen is rocking and rolling, the food runners are getting their steps in, and the cashiers are busy (though not as busy as they used to be, now that you're taking mobile orders!).

But sometimes you need to take a step back and see how business is going over a period of time. Maybe merch sales have been lagging lately. Time for a new mascot or branding campaign? Or maybe it's time to run another pizza special after your slice sales took off when you sent out that promotional message last week?

For all these and many other questions, in-app reporting and analytics are your best friend. Whether just the day's sales, or an entire year broken down by category, the big picture information you need to run your business effectively is only a few clicks away!

GameGrub truly is a no-brainer. Try us free for 30 days!

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